The Story of ME - As told by Checkins

September 3, 2019

I've been checking into the Swarm app by Foursquare since 2013. Like many at the time, I originally downloaded the app out of curiosity at the latest tech craze (remember when checking in was the next frontier of social media?)

Over time, my curiosity evolved into a bit of an obsession. Restaurant? That's a checkin. Ski trail? Also a checkin. How about an unmarked spot in the middle of Drake's Passage in the middle of the ocean? But of course also a checkin.

(I feel compelled to add that I wasn't just a checkin zombie - mindlessly checking in. On the contrary, I found the app's value compounding with the passing of time as it enhanced my ability to walk down memory lane, share itineraries, and identify "gaps" in my world map.) 

Anyways, fast forward 6 years and 300 score (6,000) checkins later and my obsession ended up producing a trove of personal data prime for analysis and unbiased reflection.

So, that's what I did.

See below my personal journey to experience our planet and its many cultures as told by maps, data-driven exhibits, and personal reflections.

Checking out the world

the cold hard numbers

The following exhibits come from my personal collection capturing how and where I've allocated my time through the years. While the full vault is rich with pseudo Personally Identifiable Information (PII) such as my favorite work spots, the sample below intentionally abstracts this out. No one wants to be looking over their shoulder all the time, right?

International man of mystery?

Annual checkins broken down by Domestic vs International
Exploration abroad is overall trending up but still nowhere near 007 level. That lumpiness? Attributable to my study abroad in Taiwan and international work in Canada

balancing entropy with stability?

Annual checkins broken down by new venues visits vs returning venue visits
I'm surprisingly striking a consistent balance since 2013 with ~50% of checkins being to new venues

How has venue entropy trended?

Distribution of checkins by venue visit frequency
I'm both 1) a creature of habit with nearly 20% of checkins at venues I've been to more than 50 times and 2) a new experience hunter with nearly half of all checkins at venues I've only visited once or twice

Life is always in Motion, but how much motion?

Cumulative annual distance traveled as approximated by checkin geocoordinates
I've been on the move enough over the last 6 years to circle the globe... ~52 TIMES. Honestly, that's given me pause to explore my carbon footprint. There are a few ideas I'm noodling on but am highly receptive and open to recommendations if you want to shoot any my way

Methodology and credits

Backing code to clean, transform, and generate data can be found at LINK.                                                                               
Exhibits generated by DataWrapper.

Map courtesy of Google Maps.